Nido's Beach 2 - San Vincenzo (Livorno)

The good moment came on the weekend of mid August, after having spent the day of celebration (Aug 15th is Ferragosto holiday in Italy) with friends and with a good fish Paella, on Friday 16th in the afternoon we set off for Monteverdi Marittimo, the place where is located the farm we chose for our stay: the Villetta di Monterufoli farmhouse.
We are not here to describe the place much as the company website is very well done, those interested in learning more can find all the relevant information. We still like to remember an excellent wine product that we tried, the Vermentino di Toscana IGT

Mid-August Weekend in Tuscany 

A consolidated international cultural festival dedicated to contemporary photography is held Since 2006 in Reggio Emilia in the spring: European Photography.

The latest edition also saw the participation of Coop Italia in the circuit off with an interesting exhibition entitled "Coop 70 Value in a Box", an audiovisual exhibition dedicated to the 70 years of Coop brand products, much appreciated and visited during the month of opening. The initiative also included special appointments with mandatory reservations with guided tastings and presentation of products from Coop partners, including quality wines from the Tenute del Cerro, a Tuscan wine company that brings together 5 producers, all with the possibility of hosting for agri tourism. Having visited the exhibition as well as taking part in the tasting of wine with great pleasure, at the time of the exit we promised to ourselves to dedicate a weekend in the future to visit at least one of the group's estates.

Second time at Nido 3 years later

The choice of the farm turned out to be positive, we spend a great weekend relaxing in the colors and flavors of Tuscany in the summer, but given the relative proximity (about forty kilometers) we cannot fail to make even a quick escape to the sea.

On Saturday morning, then, after breakfast, we move to San Vincenzo with the intention of doing some healthy naturism at Il Nido.

The parking next to the road "della Principessa" is already quite full, despite this we can find a place close enough to the entrance number 9 of the Rimigliano park, the one that leads to the naturist area. We leave the car paying by credit card 6 euros for the whole day. We walk along the path and arrive at the beach where we take place in correspondence with the Anita association area, a naturist association of which we are members, which is bordered by two yellow flags waving high in the dunes supported by long poles.

The day turns out to be very hot, but the wind that blows from the sea makes it quite bearable, even if around midday the sand becomes very scalding. Around us many naturists, couples, but also some families, equipped with umbrellas or Quechua tent like ours (even if the great heat makes this solution not really comfortable), with a portable picnic fridge and everything you need to spend a day at the beach.

We stay until mid-afternoon, after having done a couple of baths in a water unfortunately not so beautiful and clear as we remembered from our last visit.



(August 2019)