Home Garden Sauna

Sauna at home

It was already a bit of time, ever since we have developed the passion for the world of sauna and spa, that we had a dream, the dream to install a sauna in the garden, in order to be able to use it at willing, maybe when we were back to home in the evening after a stressful day at work, or when the humid climate of our flat area makes us exhausted and makes screaming our muscles and bones.

And now, finally, the sauna is ready: what better time of the New Year's Eve to inaugurate it?


Indoor or Outdoor?

Since the beginning the idea was to install the sauna outdoor, this was essentially for two main reasons. The first is the space: we are living in a single house, the children still live with us, therefore the interior spaces are well-established and practiced in every way, so for the moment are not expendable. The second reason has rather more to do with what we have learned in many  years of sauna experiences, that is that one of the most important things after a sauna session is to go outside, breathe fresh air and, if possible, walking a little bit before taking a shower. And in our garden the space for walking  is not missing.

The solution

Having the availability in the backyard of a gazebo structure used in the summer for our social occasions, we decided to connect to that and make a wooden pergola, under which then install a small prefabricated sauna. To do so, as first thing it has obviously been necessary to pave the area below, a rectangle measuring 2.00 x 3.60 meters, using garden tiles from 40 cm each side. Completed the floor, we casted four concrete footings aligned with the pillars of the existing  gazebo, then with beams and joists of measurement and appropriate hide-eyes panels, we built the pergola (wood and material needed to build the pergola was purchased at the Pircher , point of sale of Rolo-RE).

At this point it was necessary to choose the sauna. Several days of study passed on the internet to browse through the various websites of manufacturers, sellers, distributors, have made us almost crazy given that the matter is wide and the possible solutions are many and varied. Then, in the end, the choice fell on a good compromise between price and size. We purchased a cabin two seats, dimensions 1.80 x 1.20 meters, structured in double panels spruce planed and shaped interlocking and separated by cork as a thermal insulator and an electric heater Harvia power 2.9 KW. Having to be installed outside, the supply also included a sloping roof with shingles (the kit was purchased from Centro Edil Legno in Sacile PN). 

All in all, the assembly of the che cabin wasn't too much difficult, except for a few passages that could have been better explained in the instructions and that created some troubles to us because we are a little bit inexpert in constructions. But in the end, in one way or another, we managed proudly in the arduous task of "do it yourself" though, of course, for the connection and commissioning of the stove we had to rely on a professional electrician.

New Year's Eve in sauna

This had long been the goal: Garden Sauna to be inaugurate the New Year's Eve. And we can say it was achieved, just in time, but after all we got there. Instead of the big dinner, music trains and streamers, the last night of 2016 for us was held in wellness, in naturism and natural things. A warm tea with alpine herbs, a centrifuged fruit and vegetables with ginger, a pineapple cut into chunks. Then we went out in the bathrobe and slippers (1°C below zero) and we started our sauna night, three sessions throughout interspersed with short breaks to relax at home. During the first session we also gave ourselves a body scrub with a base of salt dough and massage oil that we had prepared earlier.